Numerous individuals have heard that it is conceivable to get school credit for background, yet few really know how this lives up to expectations. In numerous countries, a professional education is not dependably needed to enter certain vocation fields. This week, Evaluation Credentials gained a message from somebody we had been working with on a work experience assessment.
This singular had sat for a bookkeeping examination in a non US country more than 30 years prior. After functioning as an accountant for a long time, this individual chose to work in the United States, and had finished so for a long time. Having accepted no formal non US degree, this individual needed verification of having sufficient education to start occupation in another position.
He counseled this specific non US credential assessment organization since we had the ability to help a relative of his previously. After checking on his documents, we were happy to have the capacity to offer assistance. This is the way his education and experience met expectations:
Work experience is generally given a U.S. equivalency of one year of higher education for like clockwork lived up to expectations. Subsequently, after working for 24 years, he had realized the educational equivalency of a Master Degree in Accounting. This together with his bookkeeping testament from his country of inception, was sufficient to have the capacity to issue a degree equivalency and development his occupation prospects with the new firm.
And our credential assessment service was happy to know we had the capacity to help.