3 year degree holders, SMILE!!
The experts at Evaluation Credentials have received various asks for educational evaluations from individuals who have requested evaluation reports from the National Student Clearinghouse (Nsc) and received RFEs. These clients have connected to us showing that a foreign credentials evaluation of their 3-year degrees had brought about RFEs and dissents.
Ms. Sheila Danzig, and academic master, Professor John Kersey, have advanced a methodology for assessing 3-year degrees that has been extremely successful with USCIS powers. In light of this adequate system, numerous individuals who have encountered RFEs or refusals of migration visas in light of their three-year degrees have had the ability to successfully bid these choices.
Ms. Danzig and Professor Kersey have aggregated more than 400 pages of confirmation supporting the balance of the 3-year degree for job based and migration visas for individuals holding foreign credentials. If you’ve had enough challenges with tricky foreign credentials evaluations from different offices, get an ease pre-evaluation from the masters at EvaluationCredentials today!
April Quota for Free Foreign Credential Evaluations
Each month, Career Consulting International offers free foreign credential evaluations to the first 50 parts of the US Armed Forces who apply. So far in the not so distant future, however, the U.S. military has yet to meet this month to month challenge.
Numerous individuals look for careers in the military, trusting for chances to development their careers and win a great living. A hefty portion of these individuals are settlers, or the children and little girls of migrants. They have earned foreign degrees or secondary school diplomas in the nations of their life commencement, before emigrating to the U.S.
More often than not, managements or teachers need to affirm that these academic credentials are the U.S. equivalent of the degree or diploma these people earned in their past nation. To confirm this, foreign credential evaluation offices, for example, Evaluation Credentials complete educational evaluations to secure equivalency.
Now and again these foreign education evaluations might be extremely costly. The expense goes from $70 to over $1,000. More often than not, on the other hand, livelihood education evaluations could be finished with a basic record evaluation.
Evaluation Credentials’ Executive Director, Sheila Danzig, and her staff, have extraordinary regard for the individuals who decide to serve their nation by enrolling or applying to join the U.s. Military. To help make this conceivable, Ms. Danzig offers free foreign credential evaluations to the first 50 military persons who apply every month.
These evaluations are acknowledged by all major limbs of the U.s. Military, incorporating the Army, Navy, and Air Force. Every month, we accept a mixture of solicitations from selection representatives and officers the nation over enrolling our help, and we are glad to have the capacity to offer assistance.
So far this month, we have had asks for from three military servicepersons for educational evaluations. We have space for 47 all the more, so get today to figure out how to hold your opening and get your free foreign credential evaluation.
Are Foreign Academic Credentials Equivalent to U.S. Degrees?
Provided that you earned academic credentials in an alternate nation, you will presumably need to have your degree assessed before getting an education or uncovering work in the United States. Numerous reputable credentials evaluation services, incorporating Career Consulting International, are available. The costs, and in addition the service times, of these orgs differ, so check with them before requesting.
Indeed before you have your evaluation in hand, you can begin searching for an occupation or acknowledging going to a university, assuming that you have some thought of what your degree is equivalent to. Not all Bachelor Degrees are equivalent to U.S. Degrees. For instance, a Bachelor Degree from Pakistan is just about dependably equivalent to a U.S. Partner Degree.
A few nations don’t utilize the saying “Bachelor” to depict an undergraduate degree. A regular sample is the “License” utilized by numerous Latin-American nations. In spite of the fact that the degree is designated a “License” by the university, it is the degree equivalency of a Bachelor Degree in the United States.
Numerous European nations finish the Bachelor Degree in three years, since students go to elementary and secondary school for what added up to 13 years. These Bachelor Degrees are practically dependably recognized equivalent to a U.S. four year certification for education and occupation purposes. Sporadically, the USCIS requires extra documentation that these European degrees are equivalent, so persons needing to move and find employments dependent upon these degrees may require a master conclusion letter to uphold their academic evaluations.
Provided that one arrangement of education existed all around the globe, foreign credential evaluations wouldn’t be important. Europe has attempted to perform barely this with the Bologna Accord, however just around the range of 15 nations take an interest in this degree-allowing framework. Until all educational frameworks embrace a solitary degree-conceding framework, students and representatives will require education evaluations to have their foreign education fittingly assessed.
En Espanol for our Hispanic Clients
Learn about EvaluationCredentials (Evaluation Credentials) in Spanish. We are master in all Spanish talking nations and their education framework. We have had triumph demonstrating the 3 year degree from numerous Hispanic countries proportional to Us 4 year four year certifications when different offices have fizzled. Don’t leave your academic assessment to risk. We are here to help you and help. For provision to University for further education or for Immigration Visa Purposes (H1B, E3, I140, EB2, EB3, TN and more… ) or for business. Don’t request from anybody until you call us toll free. 1.800.771.4723. Telephones open 24/7.
EB3 Approval granted after NOID
Without much fanfare, a client advised us of a letter from USCIS favoring her EB3 (I-140) Visa in the wake of having long ago received a foreswearing letter according to an educational evaluation finished by an alternate credential evaluation organization. She had a three year Bachelor Degree from India, yet the USCIS denied her Visa in light of the fact that a 3-year Bachelor Degree is not equivalent to a USC four-year Bachelor Degree.
Utilizing noteworthy documentation and research improved by Dr. Danzig and Professor Kersey in the course of the most recent a few years, EC was able to present sufficient prove, and in addition an itemized evaluation and master idea letter, unmistakably exhibiting the client’s degree as equivalent to a Us four-year Bachelor Degree.
In light of the fact that she acquired a degree in an identified field, however her major was not in that specified by the work declaration; we were able to utilize a practical equivalency methodology to show that she had the essential education to meet the work requirement. USCIS reacted to our evaluation and master letter by favoring the client’s I-140 visa.
Celebrity Chef Jose Andres granted U.S. citizenship after 23 years of residence
Jose Andres turned into a U.S. native in Baltimore on November thirteenth, 23 years later of habitation in the United States. The Spanish-conceived star gourmet expert and his wife took the citizenship promise, and then tweeted the joyful news: “People of America! 4 hours back my wife and I came to be American Citizens… on account of just for being part of our planet!”
“I feel like a virgin — in a great manner,” he told the Washington Post that night. Throughout the function, he said, “Me and my wife started hollering. I wish more individuals were able to see this. It’s very powerful.”
Andres plans to commend his new status in style throughout the following not many weeks. “It’s exceptionally essential on the grounds that the nation is discussing migration change. I have to verify everyone understands that numerous settlers like me — given the right chance like I was given — we can have a positive effect in this amazing country.”
Case Study: 3-Year Indian degree in Commerce
As of late, EC reacted to an alternate client who received a RFE through the Nebraska Service Center. The RFE demonstrated an in number potential for the dissent of the client’s Eb-3 Visa. The grounds showed in the RFE were that the foreign degree in business was not the U.S. equivalency of a Bachelor Degree in Business Administration.
The client composed again to thank the organization for the magnificent evaluation and noteworthy documentation in backing of the three-year degree. He additionally received support for his EB-3 Visa. Master notions that exhibit the educational equivalency of the 3-year degree require a considerable measure of examination and could be costly. This is in light of the fact that the procedure of demonstrating that these foreign education credentials are equivalent requires impressive confirmation. The reactions of our clients, notwithstanding, show a high level of success, so we realize that what we’re doing lives up to expectations.
Assuming that you’ve received a dissent or RFE, contact EC with your data and gave us a chance to let you know if we can offer assistance. That is the reason we’re here.
Case Study: 3-Year Academic Indian Degree
In 2007, AILA discharged some exasperating news that cautioned migration lawyers and foreign degree evaluation organization that each of the three-year degrees were at danger for foreswearing for I-140 visa provisions. Therefore, Evaluation Credentials (EC) has endeavored to reveal proof and exhibit that three-year four year certifications are the U.S. equivalency of a Bachelor Degree. Consequently, the office gains various requests from lawyers, organizations, and persons with 3-year degrees about noting RFEs and dissent notices. More often than not, our clients are blissful to upgrade us about their conclusions. We as of late received this redesign from one of our clients:
Hi All,
Today I got my I140 support from TSE [Texas Service Center] in the wake of reacting to RFE on 3 year degree. I talked over the issue before requesting I140 with my lawyer by perusing the encounters from numerous others. My attorney said he might send for an evaluation assuming that I got a RFE. At that point, I did get a RFE idiom my 3 year degree is not equivalent to Us Bs degree. So I reached Sheila Danzig for my evaluation. She addressed my message inquiries. I paid the cash and sent all docs required.
Fortunately, I spoke to Sheila on the day preceding my RFE due date. I spoke to her amidst the night and she is so exceptional. She sent my evaluation docs one day from now by express dispatch. I am not an individual who works for Sheila; this is my experience with my I140 RFE and Sheila. I need to let you know all that, when I spoke to Sheila she said the likelihood of success is above 90% around then in TSC).
Despite the fact that Sheila’s Evaluation is unmanageable I have picked her org in light of the fact that I don’t see any other people who have conveyed to us for a few years on this issue. After I looked all the [immigration] gatherings I solidly chose to run with Sheila. By God’s grace my case is approved today. I am composing today for the profit of individuals whose cases might be like mine.
Case Study: Career Consulting International Recommended by United Nations
No, this isn’t a contrivance. It’s a correct story from one of our clients who imparted his story on one of the movement visa talk sheets a couple of months back. Here is the story in his expressions (his name has been uprooted, as we generally ensure our clients’ protection):
I need to impart great news; at long last I got a mystery message from USCIS that my I-140is approved at TSC service focus. Here are my items:
My first I 140 documented from NSC utilizing substitute work was precluded as a part from securing Jan’03. Excuse for why: Education Evaluation. [I was] denied from AAO one year later. As of late my unique work was approved from excess focus, this time I did my evaluation from Sheila Danzig, she did astounding work, she really assessed my 3 years of Polytechnic(met Engg) equivalent to US BS, all out credits 122.5. Ms. Danzig additionally generated a master feeling, assessing my AMIIM (Associate Member of Indian Institute of Metals) equivalent to Master in Met Engg. With that my lawyer connected [for the] I-140 at TSC on 31st March and today I got the message from USIS for approbation. Really I should thank to United Nations, who exhorted me to finish my evaluation thru Sheila. Gentlemen this is not an ad for Sheila or United Nation however its true success story.
Case Study: Foreign Credentials Evaluation for Bachelor Degree Spanning 3 Years
Quite recently, we received the accompanying message with a regarded lawyer in California:
“[Our client’s] I-140 Visa was as of late approved. I needed to impart the exceptional news to you. For our client and our firm, I need to say thank you, once more, for your superb work and ingenuity in handling this discriminating matter. Your evaluation of a 3-Year Degree from Venezuela was key in this case.”
This client had petitioned and received an Eb-3 Visa at the Nebraska Service Center (NSC). The client was from Venezuela and required confirmation that his degree was the U.S. equivalency of a U.S. four year certification. We were able to do this with a foreign credential evaluation and a master sentiment.
In light of the fact that this lawyer had worked with us formerly, and was well mindful of our dedication to service greatness, we had the chance to support this client. Assuming that you know somebody confronting a RFE or foreswearing, urges that individual to contact EC today. We need to keep working for success stories much the same as these.